TGF-IXS-NS Silikonfreier Gap Filler sehr weich

TGF-IXS-NS is an electrically insulating thermally conductive silicone-free gap filler. It is ideal for use in applications where thermal transfer over large gaps caused e.g. by big tolerances or different stack up heights must be achieved. The acrylate based elastomer does not contain any volatile siloxanes which are inevitably emitted by silicones. Due to the specific formulation and filling with ceramic particles the material has a high thermal conductivity. Through its extreme softness the material perfectly mates to irregular surfaces thus filling gaps and operates at very low pressure. By its use the total thermal resistance is minimised. The natural tackiness of the material allows for an easy and reliable pre-assembly. The material is one-side tacky through lamination with a transparent film.

  • Multilayer silicone-free acrylate: Soft-Ultrasoft-Film
  • No emission of volatile siloxanes
  • Extremely soft and compliable
  • Thermal conductivity: 2 W/mK
  • Operates at very low pressure
  • Shock absorbing
  • Easy mounting through self tackiness
  • One-side self-tacky
  • Sheet 525 x 210 mm
  • Tacky on one side by film laminate
  • Die cut parts
  • Kiss cut parts on sheet

Thermal link of

  • SMD packages
  • Through-hole vias
  • RDRAMs memory modules
  • Electronic parts to heat pipes

For use in Automotive applications / Laptops / Medicine engineering / Industrial PCs

MaterialCeramic filled multilayer silicone-free acrylic elastomerCeramic filled multilayer silicone-free acrylic elastomerCeramic filled multilayer silicone-free acrylic elastomer
Farbe (Grey layer)Dark green/GreyDark green/GreyDark green/Grey
HardnessShore 00272727
UL Flammability (Equivalent)UL 94V0V0V0
RoHS Conformity2015 / 863 / EUYesYesYes
Resistance1 @ 60 PSI @ Thickness°C-inch²/W (mm)1,07 (0,70)1,60 (1,25)1,70 (1,52)
Resistance1 @ 30 PSI @ Thickness°C-inch²/W (mm)1,22 (0,74)1,78 (1,40)2,20 (1,85)
Resistance1 @ 10 PSI @ Thickness°C-inch²/W (mm)1,32 (0,83)2,00 (1,60)2,30 (2,13)
Thermal ConductivityW/mK2.02.02.0
Operating Temperature Range°C- 40 to + 125- 40 to + 125- 40 to + 125
Dielectric StrengthkV / mm2.02.02.0
Volume ResistivityOhm - cm1,0 x 10111,0 x 10111,0 x 1011

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